Month: December 2016
Top health articles of interest circulating in the media this week, 12.16.16. People who are frequently active but may spend an equal amount of time sitting display similar risks for disease and early death– even more so than their less active peers, according to this New York Times Well piece. Despite…
MoreOne Minute Fit is our new health and lifestyle video series aimed at introducing simple, healthy habits into your daily routine. Brittany Block, Fitness and Lifestyle Coach, shares how you can sneak a few bodyweight or sofa squats into any part of your day. Barrier Islands Free Medical Clinic provides medical…
MoreSeems like it’s always the season to get together with family, friends and colleagues in the spirit of community! Whether it’s an ‘Ugly Sweater Party’, a candle-lit ‘Wine Pairing Night’, or a ‘Dance Off’, don’t forget: it’s relatively easy to turn any celebration into a cause for good. If you have already planned your big party…
MoreIf you live in or around Charleston, SC, and you are struggling with financial hardship, health issues or personal crisis, there are many resources in place to help you get back on your feet again. From local shelters, to assistance with paying utility bills or home repairs, to seeking advice…
MoreEach month, BIFMC shines a spotlight on one of our many exceptional clinic volunteers. From medical staff to voluntary file clerks, Barrier Islands Free Medical Clinic is able to provide a warm, caring and expert primary medical home to hundreds of uninsured patients. The residents and workers of our Lowcountry community are cared for and…
MoreWhen it comes to maintaining healthy eating habits in the US, perhaps one of our biggest transgressions is overdoing the portions sizes we consume. The reality is – it is not often what we eat, but rather how much we eat that does us in. From restaurant servings to grocery store selections, many of…
MoreOur clinic is able to operate and serve hundreds of uninsured patients who live or work on Johns, James and Wadmalaw Island – thanks to the good will and contribution of our donors. Each month, BIFMC will pay tribute to one of our many generous supporters who seek to improve the overall…
MoreBarrier Islands Free Medical Clinic, like many free clinics of their kind across the nation, was spurred into existence following the success of one sustainable model for free healthcare. Based out of Hilton Head, SC., the now nationally recognized clinic and nonprofit organization, Volunteers In Medicine, was founded by Dr. Jack McConnell in…
MoreLiving with diabetes – a reality for 10% of the US population – it is often a daunting task to throw a recipe together that keeps your glucose levels, cholesterol, blood pressure and weight on track- every single day. Particularly around dinner time, when many who return home from a…