Charleston Cares

Charleston Cares Blog aims to bring you weekly health tips, heart-friendly recipes, and daily living news. You can find us at or follow updates on FacebookInstagram and Twitter. Tag us using #CharlestonCares or #HIPchs!

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Why Is Gut Health So Important? Ask A Nutritionist.

Do you know that your gut has a very important role in your overall health? Your gut contains millions of microbes or bacteria that are mostly good for you. The…

Can My Diet Help With Sleep Apnea? Ask a Nutritionist.

Diagnosed with sleep apnea? Changing your diet can help. Sleep apnea is a common cause of not getting a good night sleep. It happens when the muscles in the back…

Can Processed Foods Affect My Brain? Ask A Nutritionist.

Too much ultra-proceeded foods can lead to decline in cognitive health. A new study has shown that eating too many ultra-processed foods in middle-age people can be bad for your…

Community Spotlights: Lowcountry Period Project

Did You Know – 16.9 million people who menstruate in the US are living in poverty. Two-thirds of the 16.9 million low-income women in the US could not afford menstrual…

Are Food Expiration Dates Real? Ask a Nutritionist.

Confused about food expiration dates? Learn more about how you can save money – and stop wasting food. When you look at the expiration dates on food, what do they…

How Do I Save Money at the Grocery Store? Ask A Nutritionist.

Trying to Save Money at the Grocery Store? Here’s a Few Helpful Tips! Grocery prices are getting higher and higher each time you go food shopping. Here are a few…

Is Moderate Alcohol Consumption Good for My Health? Ask a Nutritionist.

Think a little alcohol is good for your heart? Think again! You may have heard or read that a modest amount of alcohol -such as a glass or two of…

How to Maximize National Nutrition Month!

It’s National Nutrition Month! March is National Nutrition Month.  Here are some nutrition, food and tips from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Try a few today! Eat breakfast. Include…

How Can I Take Better Care of My Heart? Ask A Nutritionist.

Time to take care of that ticker! When we take care of our hearts as part of our self-care, we set an example for others to do the same. Here…

Should My Diet Adapt With Age? Ask a Nutritionist.

Want to help keep your brain, heart and skin healthy as you get older?  A new diet plan, called the MIND diet, was created to protect your brain and help…

Does Intermittent Fasting Work? Ask a Nutritionist.

Trying to lose some weight in the New Year with Intermittent Fasting? What type of diet is best? There are many types of diets to try to help you lose…

How Do I Eat Healthy at the Holidays with Diabetes? Ask a Nutritionist.

‘Tis the season for family, festivity, and food—lots of food. Temptations are everywhere, and parties and travel can disrupt daily routines. But you can still eat healthy during the holidays, even with…