At Barrier Islands Free Medical Clinic, we think health care is a family affair – and we love to see the little ones represent for positive action in the community! But how exactly do you inspire your child to ‘give back’? There are many small ways to instill a sense of community and caring in your child – and more likely than not, you may already have a sense of the causes that matter most to your children that you can help to nurture.
Our children and grandchildren are our future – and helping them to develop a sense of community and giving early on is a wonderful way to plant the brighter seeds of tomorrow. No matter their age, you can help your children and grandchildren to learn about charitable causes and how their actions can have a big impact – both locally and across the globe. Here are a few ways to get your little ones started, at any age!
- Encourage Self-directed Creativity! Ask your children about what causes are important to them. From helping people who are sick to protecting wildlife or the environment, you may be surprised to learn about their interests! Brainstorm together on what actions you can take to help immediately, as well as any long term goals that might help the cause.
- Collect Change for Change! Create a Giving Jar to be used by the entire family. Have your child select a jar or container and provide them materials to decorate it. Every amount counts when giving to a nonprofit – found pennies, a portion of allowance, leftover change from a trip – together, the family can collect and save to donate once the jar fills up. Decide as a family where to contribute the contents.
- Build a Giving Social Network. Is your child old enough to have a social media account? Take the time to sit down with your child and select a few local, national, and global nonprofits to follow online. This will help educate your teen on many important causes, as well as direct them on how to help.
- Talk About How Giving Makes Us Feel. After your child has made a donation, volunteered, or created a piece of art for a nonprofit, talk about how it feels to help the community. You can help them make a powerful connection: that their actions have a direct impact on the community. This will encourage your child to continue their positive work for years to come.
We hope you’ll look out for us on #GivingTuesday this year! Taking a day to give locally ensures your very own community benefits – ultimately benefiting us all. You can make a donation to the free clinic today, or find more creative ways to give here!!
Barrier Islands Free Medical Clinic is a free clinic in Charleston, SC, that provides free medical care to eligible patients, just like any family practitioner or internist. The Free Clinic serves uninsured adults living at or below 299 % of the Federal poverty level who live or work on Johns, James, & Wadmalaw Island or Folly Beach, or serve the Hospitality Industry of Downtown Charleston. You can follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.