Quiz: Are You Eligible? Take our quiz below to find out if you are eligible for free health care at Barrier Islands Free Medical Clinic. Are you eligible? Are you eligible? 1. Do you currently have health insurance?(Required)If you answer NO, you may be eligible for free health care services and should proceed with this quiz. If you answered YES but have questions about financial eligibility, contact our office for further information. Yes (if you select 'yes,' you are ineligible for free care at this time) No 2. Do you receive Medicaid, Medicare, or have VA benefits? Please check the box that best applies to you.(Required)If you answer NO, you may be eligible and should proceed with this quiz. If you answered YES but have questions about financial eligibility, contact our office for further information. Yes, I receive Medicaid. Yes, I receive Medicare. Yes, I receive VA benefits. No, I do not have any form of health insurance 3. Do you currently work OR reside in one of the following areas: Charleston County, Dorchester County, Berkely County(Required) None of the above Charleston County Dorchester County Berkeley County Employer Name (If applicable)6. Do any of the below financial situations apply to you? If so, please place a check next to your annual income level and household size(Required) I am single and I earn $45,029 or less a year. I live in a 2 person household and earn $61,115 or less a year. I live in a 3 person household and earn $77,201 or less a year. I live in a 4 person household and earn $94,185 or less a year. I live in a 5 person household and earn $109,374 or less a year. I live in a 6 person household and earn $125,460 or less a year. I live in a 7 person household and earn $141,546 or less a year. I live in an 8 person household and earn $157,632 or less a year. 7. Do you currently live with family members, dependents, or roommates? Check which box applies to your housing situation:(Required) I currently live with family members and/or dependents I currently live with roommates I do not currently live with anyone 8. If you live with roommate(s), do you rely on those in your household for financial support OTHER than housing costs?(Required) Yes No Not Applicable How did you hear about us? Internet search Social Media Television Radio Friend or Volunteer Newspaper/ Magazine Billboard CARTA bus Other Name(Required) First Last Email(Required) PhoneCAPTCHA